$697.00 USD

The Limitless Self Customer Service Agreement

This Limitless Self Customer Service Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into between Pam Godbois Coaching & PJG Training LLC,  ("Company"), and the individual ("customer") who has purchased a course in the Limitless Self program (the "Course"). By purchasing the Course, the customer agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

1. Course Fee and Payment:

a. The Customer agrees to pay the monthly Course fee as specified at the time of purchase. Payments will be automatically processed on a monthly basis using the payment method provided by the Customer.

b. In the event that a payment is not successfully processed, the Company's software system will automatically make up to three (3) additional attempts to collect the payment within a reasonable period.

2. Cancellation and Access Termination:

a. The Customer may cancel their Course at any time without any commitment. Cancellation requests must be submitted through the designated channels provided by the Company.

b. Upon cancellation, the Customer will continue to have access to the Course benefits until the end of the current payment period. Access will be terminated at the time the next payment would have been due.

3. Refunds:

a. The Company does not provide partial or prorated refunds for any portion of the Course fee paid.  

4. Communication:

a. The Customer agrees to provide accurate and up-to-date contact and payment information to the Company.

b. The Company may communicate with the Customer regarding the Course, including but not limited to, billing, benefits, updates, and changes, via email, phone, or other appropriate means.

5. Changes to Terms:

a. The Company reserves the right to modify the terms of this Agreement, including Course fees, payment processing, and cancellation policies. Changes will be communicated to the Customer via email or other appropriate means.

6. Limitation of Liability:

a. The Company shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred by the Customer as a result of payment processing issues, cancellation of access, or any other circumstances related to the Course.

7. Governing Law:

a. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Hampshire, USA.

8. Entire Agreement:

a. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Customer and the Company with respect to the Course and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, or representations, whether oral or written.

By purchasing the Limitless Self Course, the Customer acknowledges that they have read and understood this Agreement, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.

The Limitless Self

NEXT 4 Week Program - Coming Soon

If you are like many of us, you are likely a caring and empathetic person who is struggling a bit. 

That’s why you are here right? Because you are sick of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, caught off guard by old stories and struggles, and are looking to lay your past difficulties to rest. 

Do you have a deep desire to feel good, to rest well, and to have deep and connected relationships in your life? 

This is exactly why I created the Limitless Self  → A 4 Week Program for People just like you, who are ready to feel light and remove burnout, emotional fatigue, and the need to hide from all the drama! 

Things have been a tad heavy, and clearing out your own emotional baggage, struggles and grief is the only way to ACTUALLY have the life and relationships you desire. Get off the hamster wheel, or ‘same old- same old’ and let this year be the year that you commit to you and your own emotional well-being. 

Inside Limitless Self 1) We’ll delve into the neuroscience of emotional triggers, shift language, and clear out triggering events. 2) We’ll rewire the brain with proven therapeutic strategies and learn the science & practices behind nervous system regulation. 3) We'll refocus your communication strategies and look at how and why struggles have arisen and uncover the tools to get your needs met in a relational context. 4) Pull it all together with the energy of universal energy (yes, the Woo!) and how the body & mind come together in the healing process. 

What to expect: 

  • 4 Live Calls via Zoom (with recordings) where you will learn the ins and outs of how to accelerate your personal growth journey. 
  • Lifetime access to Recordings of all the calls. 
  • Access to time to ask questions and get support to develop your individual plan. 
  • Optional follow-up plan including a monthly group coaching call (additional monthly fee)